Blog (Page 29)

Jr. High Leadership Needed

Our Pastor is searching for person(s) with a heart for kids who would be interested in leading a Jr. High ministry (Grades 6-9)  A couple would be great, but single persons would be welcomed also.   Please pray about it, and if this is you, see Pastor Greg.

California Renewal Project

Reminder ~~~~~~The “Rediscovering God In America” Pastors & Pew Event starts this coming Thursday, Sept. 13th.  If you have an interest in grass roots politics, this event is for you!  Hotel and meals are free, just register!  For more info, you can contact Dennis Stockhausen, or call the church office at (951) 685-1180.  Time is…

Bless & Be Blessed Food Ministry

CCJV supporters – we need your help!  Our food ministry is second to none, thanks to you all.  But we need your help!  We are busily trying to fill Ray’s shoes – and that’s a very difficult task.  We need someone who’s available to help us pick up food that has been donated.  Some of…

Ministry Opportunities

We’re still looking for men and/or women to help out with Ushering, Tithing, Communion, Power Point.  These are all trainable positions, so pray about it.  It’s another opportunity to serve! See Gary for Ushering, Communion and Tithing;  Connie for Children’s Ministry;  George for Music Ministry;  Ed for Men’s Ministry;  and Media for Power Point  Get…