Past Events (Page 10)

U Turn for Christ Perris Ranch

Join The Lifters, Rockin’ Praise Band, as we head to the U Turn for Christ Men’s Ranch in Perris. We will be enjoying a great time of praise music followed a message provided by Pastor G. This invite is to the men that would like to participate in the evening. Come and pray with the…

“Crown of Beauty” Women’s Conference

-5th Annual Beauty for Ashes Conference- Testimonies, Teaching & Worship Come and hear stories of women who were once considered throw aways by many, but to God they were His treasures! We invite you to this free event where you will be refreshed and revived by the power of God’s Word and His testimonies of…

Annual Baptism

Once again we are getting ready to gather for our annual Baptism. Let’s all come together as a body of Christ and rejoice with those who are going to make a public commitment to Jesus Christ! The church will provide the hamburgers and hot dogs. If you are so inclined bring a side dish to…

Women’s Conference

Ladies, please keep the date open!  Saturday, September 15, 2018 for our Women’s Conference.  Details to follow.  

Women’s Ministry Sunday Brunch

Women’s Ministry Mexican Food Brunch is, as usual, gonna be GREAT! Come one come all and enjoy. Any and all love offerings will be used to support the CCJV annual women’s conference hosted by the Beauty for Ashes ministry.

Harvest Crusade Anaheim

The Southern California Harvest Crusade arrives at Angel Stadium. Bring a friend and lets enjoy the Lord together. Church carpool is forming, join us!

U Turn for Christ

Join the Rockin’ Praise Band “The Lifters” at the U Turn for Christ Men’s Ranch, in Perris. Gathering begins at 6pm.

Marriage Matters Conference

We are looking forward to a great time with Jesus and the Body of Christ! Teaching pastors include, Terry Hlebo, Gary Malkus, Lee Coe, and Jim D’Alessandro. Registration must be made by August 7. Contact and sign up or snail mail with payment to Calvary Chapel Rialto ATTN Marriage Conference 1391 Merrill Ave, Rialto,…